Empathic Dance Training
What is "empathic dance training"?
"Empathic dance training" involves training in a way that one can experience, for a moment in time, the way another person (or couple) moves.
The Process
Step 1: Choose the move
Select a 10-15 second sequence from video of an inspiring dancer or dance couple.
Step 2: Learn it fast
Aim to learn the move in under 10 minutes. If it takes longer, choose a simpler move.
Refer back to the video frequently to observe rather than spending time thinking about the movement.
Step 3: Film
Set a timer 10 minutes.
After practicing for 10 minutes or less, film yourself performing the movement, preferably using the same music as in the video.
Music and rhythm are crucial for empathizing with the original movement. Sometimes, wearing similar shoes or clothes can help embody the movement more closely.
Step 4: Self-Observation
Compare your recording to the original video.
Discussion should be specific (i.e. "I stepped with my left foot instead of my right") rather than descriptive (i.e. "I looked pretty weird while I did that")
Step 5: Repeat
Redo steps 2 and 3 as needed. The frequency of repetition varies based on what is observed and desired improvements.
Step 6: Note taking
Take screenshots of specific points in the video that you would like to reference for the next practice.
i.e. "Next time I would like to practice bending before taking the step in this screenshot"
Why do we choose to use this method?
We needed a method that was structured and that would yield tangible results for people with limited time.
What have been the result so far?
We can track our progress.
We sort the videos by date so we can see how we've been progressing over time.
We can track how long it has been since we've trained a particular movement.
Our training is very focused.
We can even select what we want to work on prior to our training times
Our training is more structured.
We can pull up movements we've trained before to use in other endeavors.